Friday 28 April 2017

Newsletter 28.04.17

This week, we have introduced the story 'Walking through the Jungle' to support and extend children's interest in animals. The story talks about different actions such as walking, running, leaping, creeping, swinging and wading and these will be part of our physical activity next week. It also talks about a variety of animals and the noises they make.

If you would like to see the story, please click this link: Walking through the Jungle by Julie Lacome

This week, 2 new children have joined us in F1. We would like to welcome Misa and Nguyen and their families! We are looking forward to sharing wonderful moments with you this term!

Please have a look at these brilliant photos taken this week:


* School is closed on Monday and Tuesday 1st and 2nd May. School reopens on Wednesday 3rd May.

* Splash Pool sessions: Please do not forget to bring in your child's swimming kit (with proper/big towel and swimsuit) every Tuesdays and Fridays. 

* Sickness: This is just a gentle reminder that if your child has been sick overnight, then he/she needs to stay at home. Please see excerpt from the parent handbook.

‘For the wellbeing of our school community, if your child is unwell or sick overnight or when they wake in the morning they should be kept at home until they are rested and symptom free for at least 24 hours (48 hours for Diarrhoea).’ (Page 14, Early Years and Primary Parent Handbook

* As you may have noticed, we have new children who are settling in at the moment. May we request you to please bring your child in class and immediately say goodbye. Children who are settling in find it more difficult if they see other mummies or daddies around. We truly appreciate your cooperation on this matter. 

Thank you!

Have a wonderful long weekend!

Kind Regards;
Ms Crislet, Ms Grace and the F1 Team

Friday 21 April 2017

Newsletter 21.04.17

Dear Parents,

Welcome back to school! We trust you all have had a wonderful time over the Easter break and are ready for a fun-filled Term 3 in F1. This term, our F1 family is growing with 5 new children joining us. We are so delighted to have them in class and will surely have a grand time learning and exploring alongside other children.

Kindly ensure that you check your child's Tapestry account to see what they are up to at school. It's also a great way in sharing photos and notes about your child's activities at home. If you need help accessing your child's Tapestry account, please do not hesitate to approach any of the teachers in class. We are more than happy to assist you.

Next Wednesday, Ms Crislet and I are going to lead a coffee morning for parents to share with you some practical ways in developing your children's fine motor skills. Please see poster below.