Friday 30 September 2016

Newsletter 30.09.16

Dear Parents,

What a magical week it has been in F1 with all of us taking part in the Book Day celebration at school. It was really lovely to see all children dressed up as their favourite book characters and engaged in a variety of activities focusing on the book 'Room on the Broom'. We have also read the books 'Silly School' and 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?'

Mr Ciaran Murtagh, an author went to read us one of his books, Sugar Plum Scary, it's a story about Sugar Plum, a tooth fairy who isn't very good at being one and is now on the hunt for a new job. 

Children have made magic potions, flying brooms and even learnt to chant a  spell 'Iggety, Ziggety, Zaggety ZOOM!' Ms Crislet dressed up as a witch and engaged the children in potion making. They mixed and stirred different objects such as creepy bugs, 'pig's blood' (red food colour), 'magical powder' (baking soda) and vinegar. 

Our Snuggle up and Read was really successful with children choosing a book of their choice and quietly snuggled with their friends for an interesting read. It made the activity more special with Ms Grace reading our special book Room on a Broom (<------ please click to watch the clip) and watching an animated film of the same story and having hot chocolate and marshmallows! Yum!

Have a lovely weekend!

Ms Grace, Ms Crislet and the F1 Team

Friday 23 September 2016

Newsletter 23.09.16

This week has been a great one once again. The children are becoming more active in exploring and discovering different learning areas. 

In our investigation area, we had pasta, bowls and tweezers. Children were encouraged to use the tweezers to pick up pasta and put them in bowls. Some children opted to use spoons and pretended to cook.

In our creative area, we prepared pattern mittens, paint and paper. Most of the children tried this activity but some brilliant ideas were also shared. One child got a car and used it to make wheel patterns on his paper. On the other hand, one child asked for paintbrushes and painted pictures on her paper. 

In our 'Funky Fingers' table, we put out corks in trays, jars and tongs to develop children's fine motor skills. They were encouraged to get as much corks as possible and fill the jars with the use of the tongs. This activity has been popular and most of the children had a go at it.

In our maths area, we put out new sets of peg puzzles as well as 4 piece jigsaw puzzles to challenge the children. 

For our circle sessions this week, we have sung lots of nursery rhymes and introduced our focus story 'Room on the Broom' by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler. We introduced the characters and watched the story. Here is the link if you would like to watch it with your child: Room on the Broom

Fantastic Children! 


Book Celebration: 26th and 27th September

Monday 26th September 

- Dress-up Day: Children should come to school in their favourite book character costumes. 

- Book Sale:
On Monday children will have the opportunity to visit the book sale in the library. During their library time, children can choose books from the sale that they wish to buy with their parents after school.  At the end of the day, children can visit the book sale with their parent or adult that collects them and pay for the books that they saved.  Children that go home on the school bus can bring in money and hand it to their class teacher to buy their chosen books with the teacher during the day.  The book sale will be open until 4:00pm after school on Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday next week. 

- Author visit: Ciaran Murtagh will be coming in classes. His book will be on sale. Please see Ms Duong if you are interested to purchase a book.  

Tuesday 26th September 

- Snuggle-up and Read: Children should come to school in their pyjamas/sleepwear.

Thank you!

Have a lovely weekend!

Kind Regards;
Ms Crislet, Ms Grace and the F1 Team

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Book Day celebration

Monday September 26, 2016
Children to come to school wearing a costume of a character from a favourite book.


Tuesday September 27, 2017
Children to come to school wearing their pyjamas for our Snuggle up and Read activity.


* Photo credit:

Friday 16 September 2016

Newsletter 16.09.16

Dear Parents,

It has been another wonderful week at school with your children being so active and confident! This week we have had our first celebration with the rest of the EYFS family celebrating the moon festival. We are very pleased to see all the children looking rather lovely in their beautiful Ao Dai. Thank you for coming and celebrating with us!

In class, we have started doing circle time, singing and reading a story with the children. They have been showing great interest in learning new songs and listening to different stories.We have also met Mr Jon (Music teacher) last Monday for our first ever class with him. We look forward to having more fun music class with him!

Full time children in class are slowly getting the hang of eating lunch and having a rest in the afternoon. They are showing a developing awareness of these routine and we are pleased that they are keen on trying a wide variety of food that we serve. Our lunch menu is posted here on the blog so please feel free to check it when you want to know what we're having for the day.

Last but not the least, we appreciate seeing some of you during the Parent-Teacher meeting this week. It was really nice to share with you how your child has settled in F1 and also learn some things about them that we don't know about them yet. We will still meet with a few more parents next week, so if you haven't done so, kindly email us your most conveniet time. As always, please feel free to speak to us when you have questions or comments.

We know some of you have been asking about swimming at school. As we have only started our normal time in class and is gradually on the process of introducing routine to the children, swimming or what we call 'splash pool' session will commence after the half term break (W.B. 24th October). More details will be sent to all of you as the time draws near.


* Book Swap will be happening next week, please encourage you child to choose 2 books that he/she likes to swap with a friend. Details about this is already posted on the blog. 

* Our Book Week celebration will be in 2 weeks time. Please have a think about what book character your child would like to dressed up as when they come to school. Details to follow soon.

* Tapestry Coffee Morning on Wednesday 21st September.

* Kindly bring a family photo to school on Monday. We will be displaying the photos in the classroom and will also be used for future topics at school.

Have a lovely weekend! 

Ms Grace, Ms Crislet and the F1 team


Monday 12 September 2016

TX Book Swap

TX Book Swap

'Give some books, take a book'

Image result for book swap
Do you want to read a new book? Do you have some lonely books at home which someone else would enjoy? Give your books a loving new home by taking part in the TX book swap!

Bring in at least two books from home which you are finished with from Monday 19th September – Friday 23rd September and receive a token to swap for a new book from the collection. You will be able to drop your unwanted books off in the foyer in the mornings of the collection days.  

During our book celebration week from Wednesday 28th September – Friday 30th September you will be able to swap your token for a book from the collection to take home.

The best bit

Any books left over will be donated to our community partners. Not only will you receive a new book to enjoy, you will also be helping the community!  

Image result for books

Friday 9 September 2016

Newsletter 09.09.16

What a great week we've had in F1! The children are becoming settled in class and are now showing more confidence when exploring different learning areas in and out of the classroom. The soft play room and Fundino playground are becoming very popular with the children. They are also beginning to make friends and play alongside each other or their teachers. 

Please have a look at some of our highlights this week:


* Parent Meetings: 13th and 14th September - Sign-up sheets are now posted on our notices board. 

* Moon Festival: We encourage all children to come in class wearing the Vietnamese traditional costume (Ao Dai) on this day. 


* Tapestry: 

Please come and learn how we use this online learning journal to document your child's learning at school. You will also learn about how to log in using your child's account and contribute to their learning journal.
Wednesday 21 September 
8.00 am at the Multi-Purpose Room

* We encourage full-time children to brush their teeth after lunch. With this, may we request you to provide your child a toothbrush and a toothpaste. Please give them to any of us in class so we can label them. 

* Just a heads up, book days will be happening on the 26-27 September. Please start asking your child what book character he/she would like to dress-up on book day. There are some costume shops in town or you can make it yourself. 

* The lunch menu is now on our Class Blog Page. Please check for your reference. 

Thank you!

Have a great weekend!

Kind Regards;
Ms Crislet, Ms Grace and the F1 Team

Wednesday 7 September 2016

Dates for your diary

Parents-Teacher Meeting
Tuesday-Wednesday 13-14th September

The sign-up sheets for the Parent-Teacher meeting are now up on our notice board just outside the classroom. If you haven't chosen a time to meet with us, kindly do so as this is a good opportunity to learn about how your child has settled in class and to ask any question you might have.

Moon Festival Celebration


Tapestry Meeting
Wednesday 21 September 
8.00 am at the Multi-Purpose Room

Please come and learn how we use this online learning journal to document your child's learning at school. You will also learn about how to log in using your child's account and contribute to their learning journal.

Thursday 1 September 2016

Newsletter 01.09.16

Dear Parents,

 Thank you to those who went to the Parents' Information Evening, we hope that all the information have been and will be helpful for you in making sure that your child gets the best school experience at BIS Tu Xuong. For those who weren't able to come, we have included a slideshow of our presentation for you to look at. Should you have any question please feel free to speak to us.

 Have an enjoyable long weekend!

 Regards, Ms Grace, Ms Crislet and the F1 Team