Friday 20 January 2017

Tet Fair

Newsletter 20.01.17

What a fun and exciting week we've had in EYFS! All children actively took part in an array of physical activities during the EYFS Sports Day. Prior to the event, F1 children have been practising in the classroom and they were very excited to try the activities.  

During the event, all children had a go at a carousel of activities. Some were more challenging but they happily tried them anyway. They were very excited with the set-up and because their parents and carers were with them, they were more enthusiastic to join in and show that they CAN! Well done children! We are very proud of you! 


The parents also showcased sportsmanship and it was great to see mummies, daddies and carers took part in the egg and spoon race. The children seemed very impressed as they cheered for them. Thank you parents and carers for your support in this event. 


* We apologise for cancelling the splash pool sessions this week. This is due to bad air quality. We have been monitoring it and if it is unhealthy (151 up), then F1 children need to stay indoors. If you wish to know the air quality index, please click this link:

* TET Celebration will be on Monday 23rd January at 1.45pm. We encourage all parents to come and take part in an array of activities with their children on this day. Tokens will be available in the office staring today. May we also ask you to please ensure that your child has his/her Ao Dai in his/her bag on Monday. We will help them get changed in the afternoon. 

* TET holiday: School will be closed starting on Wednesday 25th January and will reopen on Monday 6th February. 

Thank you!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Chuc Mung Nam Moi!

Kind Regards;

Ms Crislet, Ms Grace and the F1 Team

Monday 16 January 2017

EYFS Family Sports Day

  • Please be at BIS An Phu Primary Campus by 8.30am. 
  • Parents will stay with their children throughout the event. 
  • Snack will be provided in the AP1 canteen. 
  • Children who are part time will go home straight from An Phu campus after the event. On the other hand, children who are full time will be taken back to Tu Xuong by the school buses.  
  • All are encouraged to wear sports clothing and bring a water bottle. Children must be in their house t-shirts, sports shoes and hats. 

Thank you!

Friday 13 January 2017

Newsletter 13.01.17

Dear Parents,

It's been a joy seeing children in F1 continue to engage themselves in various activities inside and outside the classroom. They continuously show their developing interests, skills and personalities in every activity they engage in.

We have been developing our role play area into a Hospital after observing that children have been using the doctors' costumes and pretending to check on sick children in the classroom. In Maths, we have been learning about Shapes and children took part in an activity with Ms Clarissa. Outside, we have provided the children with various mark making tools such as bucket filled with water and paintbrushes so they can practise drawing/making lines, circles and other marks.

The children all independently accessed resources in the classroom. From puppets, funky finger toys, mark making resources and construction, their happiness is endless!

More resources in the Creative area means only one thing, INFINITE creativity! 

"Doctor, Doctor I'm sick. Can you please heal me?"


* EYFS Activity and Sports Day on Wednesday 18th January 2017. All children with their parents will go straight to AP1 campus at 8.30am. Children should wear their house t-shirt, trainers and hats.

* Please make sure to always bring your child's swimming kit to school on Tuesdays and Fridays.

Thank you and have a lovely weekend.

Ms Grace, Ms Crislet and the F1 Team

Friday 6 January 2017

Newsletter 06.01.17

First of all, we would like to greet all of you a Happy New Year! Hope all of you had a fantastic holiday! 

It was really wonderful to see the children back with more confidence and enthusiasm to engage in different activities. It is evident that they have missed the classroom, their teachers and their friends. Lots of happy faces in the morning, welcoming each other and ready to share fun experiences once again. 

For the past 3 days, we have been putting out new resources such as puppets, a variety of costumes, different construction resources and more. We are beginning to see budding interests and we are going to keep observing next week to find out what theme we will be focusing on next. 

Please see photos this week:


* Swimming every Tuesdays and Fridays will start again next week. Please ensure that your child has his/her swimming kit (towel & swimsuit) on these days. Please provide a doctor's note if your child is unable to join in.

* Parents Evening will be on Thursday 12th January 2017. You may now have received an email from school with the link for the online sign-up system. Please let us know if you have any question. 

* Tet Collection 

* Comb - May we ask you to provide a comb for your child so we can encourage them to use it after nap time. This is most useful for the girls as they start asking us now to fix their hair after sleeping time. 

Thank you!

Have a lovely weekend!

Kind Regards;
Ms Crislet, Ms Grace and the F1 Team

Wednesday 4 January 2017

Tet Collection 2017

Please leave any donations to the Tet collection at the collection point in the foyer at TX from Monday 9th - Friday 13th January. If you would like to make a large donation then please come to talk to a member of our office team. 

If you would like any further information about the Tet collection then please do not hesitate to contact Alicia Day by emailing 

Many thanks in advance!